Meggesto, Crossett & Valerino, LLP

Why is the State Insurance Fund Sending Me a Notice to Have an MRI?

An example state insurance fund notice

As of September 30th, 2015, a letter has been going out from the New York State Insurance Fund to its Workers’ Compensation Claimants. This unfortunately worded letter has caused a bit of a panic with claimants who are insured through the State Insurance Fund.

It is clear from the very first reading that this letter will cause compensation claimants to believe they need to schedule diagnostic tests such as MRI’s or CT Scans immediately, and schedule them at some out-of-state facility.

This is not the case at all.

This letter is nothing more than a list of the home offices of the carrier’s in-network diagnostic preferred providers. These are the main contact numbers for groups like One-Call Diagnostic, and Med-Focus, which many claimants will be familiar with from scheduling tests. These providers administrate the scheduling for diagnostic testing at local offices where your treating physician will send you for testing. These are preferred providers only and there is no requirement to use them in any capacity.

No insurance carrier can order a claimant to get diagnostic testing. As with any other medical testing, diagnostic tests are requested by your treating physician with your full knowledge and consent.

John M. Bellinger


This entry was written by John Bellinger, who is part of the Worker’s Compensation team at MCV Law.

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