No matter how much money you have, a will guarantees that whatever property, personal belongings and assets you have will go to family members or beneficiaries you choose. If you have children, a will is necessary, as it will ensure that you get to choose your children’s guardian.
No, you do not need an attorney to make a will, provided your document complies with all the statutory requirements. In our opinion, you should have an attorney prepare your will to make sure that your will is valid. Form wills from internet companies do not come with legal or tax planning advice specific for your needs, and that form company will not be there to testify on your behalf if that will is contested in court.
Without a will, your assets are distributed in accordance with the law of the state where you reside. Likewise, if your will is declared invalid, New York’s courts will distribute your estate in accordance with New York’s Intestacy Law, which distributes estates as follows:
In your will, you also appoint an executor to take care of your affairs and distribute your estate. You would choose someone you trust to carry out your wishes. Without a will, your family might disagree with whom the court appoints as an administrator, which may result in probate litigation.
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